Friday, January 20, 2012

"Go, stand in the temple and tell the people the whole message about this life." (Acts 5:20)

As the angel saved the apostles from prison, he reiterated Jesus' commission, "Go... tell the people..." (Acts 5:20) As a congregation, we do that in our day-to-day lives, in our worship services and special programs and through wider partnerships, including that with Gloria Sauck, who has brought the gospel to the Samburu people in word and deed (and song) for nearly 20 years. Join us this weekend as we celebrate her ministry and encourage her to continue telling the people "the whole message."

Praise service is on! Join us this Saturday at 5:30pm for some happening tunes and God's Word!

After worship on Sunday morning, Gloria will share with us about her life, work and ministry. After that, we'll eat a potluck meal together. Don't miss this opportunity to get to know her better!

Annual reports
are now available. You may pick yours up at the church. It includes a FAQ about the proposal for the employment of a full-time youth program director. On request, we can also send a pdf of the annual report to your email address.

Saturday, January 21
8am Men's Bible Study
5:30pm Service of the Word (Praise)

Sunday, January 22
9:30 am Holy Communion (ELW 3)
10:45 am Mission in Kenya - Gloria Sauck
11:45 am Potluck
6:15 pm Genesis for GenXers

Monday, January 23
7pm Finance and Stewardship

Tuesday, January 24
5:45 pm Girl Scouts
6:00 pm BELC-MELC Youth Committee

Wednesday, January 25
10:00 am Martha Circle at Church
3:30 pm KICK at Messiah
5:45 pm KICK meal
6:30 pm Confirmation
7:00 pm Hannah Circle at Louise Benson's
7:00 pm Mary-Ruth Circle at Marilyn Sjogren's

Thursday, January 26
7:30 pm Worship and Music Committee

Saturday, January 28
8:00 am Men's Bible Study
5:30 pm Holy Communion (Praise)

Next Sunday, January 29
8:15 am Senior Choir Rehearsal
9:30 am Service of the Word (ELW 3)
10:30 Annual Meeting of the Congregation.
Fellowship after the meeting.
11:00 am Sunday School for All Ages
4:30 pm Bible Study at church

Pastor Dean Apel; Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church; 402 N. 1st St; Lindsborg, KS 67456; 785-227-3977

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