Friday, January 6, 2012

Glorious now behold Him arise
[gold] and God [frankincense] and Sacrifice [myrrh]
Alleluia, Alleluia; Earth to heav'n replies

Happy Epiphany! Join us to worship Jesus this weekend!

Can't make it on Sunday? Saturday evening services resume tomorrow at 5:30pm!

Friday, January 6
Youth - 5th quarter after the BB game at the VanderWeges

Saturday, January 7
8am Men's Bible Study
5:30pm Service of the Word (Praise)

Sunday, January 8

8:15am Senior Choir Rehearsal
9:30 am Holy Communion (ELW 3)
10:30 am Fellowship
11:00 am Sunday School for All Ages
2-5 pm Open House, Rosa Brock, Senior Center
5:00 pm Global Mission Committee
6:00 pm Senior High Youth Group
6:15 pm Genesis for GenXers
7:00 pm National Youth Gathering Meeting

Tuesday, January 10
10:30 am Red Cross Blood Drive
5:45 pm Girl Scouts
6:00 pm Executive Board

Wednesday, January 11
3:30 pm KICK at Messiah
5:10 pm Julgrans plundring
5:45 pm KICK meal at Messiah
6:30 pm Confirmation at Messiah
8:00 pm Council Budget Meeting

Saturday, January 14
8:00 am Men's Bible Study
5:30 pm Holy Communion (Praise)

Next Sunday, January 15
8:15 Senior Choir Rehearsal
9:30 am Service of the Word (ELW 3) with the baptism of Kinley Perkins
10:30 am Fellowship
11:00 am Sunday School for All Ages

Pastor Dean Apel
Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
402 N. 1st St; Lindsborg, KS 67456

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