Friday, November 16, 2012

Though down through the ages the Song disappeared,
its harmonies broken and almost unheard,
the Singer comes to us to sing it again,
our God-is-with-us in the world now as then.
- Peter W.A. Davison ELW 861

Listen to and sing the Song with us...this Sunday!

TONIGHT, FRIDAY, November 16

7pm Scrapbooking

SATURDAY, November 17

8am Men's Bible Study
8am Swedish Dancer Pie Pickup

SUNDAY, November 18

8:15am Choir Rehearsal
9:30am Service of the Word (WOV 4)
10:30am Fellowship
11am Sunday School for All Ages
4:30pm Bible Study: 3 John
6pm Senior High at Bethany LC
6pm Exodus for Xers at the Apels'

7pm TACOL Community Thanksgiving Worship at St. Bridget

MONDAY, November 19

7pm Council

WEDNESDAY, November 21


THURSDAY, November 22


SATURDAY, November 24

8am Men's Bible Study

NEXT SUNDAY, Nov 25, Christ the King

8:15am Choir Rehearsal
9am SWAGG Rehearsal
9:30am Holy Communion (WOV 4)
10:30am Fellowship
11am Sunday School for All Ages

Pastor Dean Apel; Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church; 402 N. 1st St; Lindsborg, KS 67456; 785-227-3977

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