Friday, February 10, 2012

"Now this confidence of faith or knowledge of the goodness of Christ would never have originated in this leper by virtue of his own reason, if he had not first heard a good report about Christ, namely, how kind, gracious and merciful he is, ready to help and befriend, comfort and counsel every one that comes to him." - Martin Luther 1525

Get confident about Christ's goodness. Hear a report about Him with us this weekend!

Two more Saturday evening services until Lent (when we'll take a break)! Please join us at 5:30pm!

MELC Women's Night Out on Saturday. Choc Lovers. Contact Lisa Y for more information.785-342-4877.

Pray for your Council Leaders as we retreat together this weekend!

Today, February 10
6pm Council Retreat
7pm Scrapbooking

Saturday, February 11
8am Men's Bible Study
5:30pm Holy Communion
6pm MELC Women's Night Out

Sunday, February 12

8:15 am Senior Choir Rehearsal
9:30 am Holy Communion (ELW 3)
10:30 am Fellowship
11:00 am Sunday School for All Ages
1:00 pm Jr and Sr High Youth Valentine Coffee at Bethany Home

Monday, February 13

6:30 pm Executive Board

Tuesday, February 14
6:00 pm [Girl Scouts]

Wednesday, February 15
3:30 pm KICK at Messiah
5:45 pm KICK meal
6:30 pm Confirmation
7:00 pm Hannah Circle
7:00 pm Mary-Ruth Circle

Thursday, February 16
6:00 pm MELC-BELC Youth Committee

Saturday, February 18
8:00 am Men's Bible Study
5:30 pm Service of the Word (Praise)

Next Sunday, February 19
8:15 am Senior Choir Rehearsal
9:30 am Service of the Word (ELW 3)
10:30 Fellowship
11:00 am Sunday School for All Ages
4:30 pm 1 Peter Study at church
5:15 pm Global Mission Committee at the Apels
6:15 pm Genesis for GenXers

Pastor Dean Apel; Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church; 402 N. 1st St; Lindsborg, KS 67456; 785-227-3977

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