Friday, September 3, 2010

Choose life so that you and your descendants may live,
loving the LORD your God, obeying him, and holding fast to him;
for that means life to you and length of days -

Deuteronomy 30:19-20

Love, Obey and Hold Fast to God
with us this weekend!

SATURDAY, September 4
8am Men's Bible Study

SUNDAY, September 5

9:30am Service of the Word (ELW5)
10:30am Fellowship

MONDAY, September 6
Labor Day - office closed

TUESDAY, September 7
10am Area 3 Pastor's Study in Salina
1pm [Pathways-Prairie View]

WEDNESDAY, September 8

11:30am S.A.L.T. lunch
6pm Sunday School teacher meeting
7pm Confirmation at Messiah (parents and students)
7:45pm Mutual Ministry Committee

THURSDAY, September 9
6pm [SAI Pizza supper and meeting]

SATURDAY, September 11
8am Men’s Bible Study (Family Room)

NEXT SUNDAY, September 12
9:30am Service of the Word (ELW10)
10:30am Fellowship
10:50am Adult Forum (Family Room)
11am Sunday School Rally Day
4:30pm Bible Study
5:30pm Contemporary Praise Service (sanctuary)

Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church

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