Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"To the one seated on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might for ever and ever!" - Revelation 5:13

Dear Fellow Workers in the Gospel Ministry of MELC,
Do you know that if you get your car fixed in Jerusalem they are likely to say that the car is now "righteous" (tsedeq)? Like stretching in the morning or a bird preening its wings or realigning our tires, much of our lives are about getting tuned up, re-aligned to the God who loves us and to His way. Being righteous means being realigned in our relationships with God primarily and from that right relationship with other people and the created world. In the book of Revelation we are given a glimpse of eternity. Especially chapters 4-5 lift back the veil on reality. And there we find someone in charge, the God of all time, the Ancient of Days, and with Him on the throne a bloody Lamb - strange imagery, but the message is clear: Jesus and He crucified is the one who reigns over space and time. The whole creation sings to His praise and glory. We tend to like to sing other songs, but this is the true song of the universe, the lost chord for which we seek. Our hearts our restless until we hear that song and our lives are tuned to its good vibrations. As leaders of this gospel ministry, we are called to sing this one song, to hold rehearsals for its singing, to offer others the rest and resolution of being righteous, fixed-up by God to sing the Lamb's praises forever. Thank you for singing with me and engaging the difficult task of directing the song in these challenging times. 

- pastor Dean

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