Friday, June 8, 2012

"Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother." - Jesus, Mark 3:24

Join us to meet the will of God, Jesus Christ, this Sunday!

We welcome Pastor Walter Teunzac this weekend to be among us so that we can learn about Papua New Guinea and so that he can learn about the US. Please take this opportunity!

ALL SENIOR HIGH YOUTH are welcome to a campfire for synod assembly youth delegates tonight at Salemsburg. Meet at the church at 9pm for transportation!

We need more helpers to take down tables and chairs at Stroble-Gibson tomorrow at noon. If you can't come at noon, please come late. Call pastor Dean (212-0849) for more information.

Friday, June 8
9:00pm Senior High Youth (including incoming 9th graders and outgoing 12th graders) are invited to participate with the youth delegates to the Synod Assembly at a bonfire at Salemsborg. Gather at the Messiah parking lot for transportation, 9pm.

Saturday, June 9
8am Men's Bible Study
12pm Work Crew at Stroble-Gibson

Sunday, June 10
9:30am Holy Communion (ELW8) with Pastor Walter Teunzac of the ELC Papua New Guinea Preaching
10:30am Fellowship
11:00am Pastor Walter will share about Papua New Guinea and the church there
3pm NO OPEN GYM (see us again in the Fall)
6:15pm Genesis for GenXers at the Apels

Monday, June 11
9am Drama Camp
1pm Dance Camp
6:30pm Executive Board

Tuesday, June 12
9am Drama Camp
1pm Dance Camp

Wednesday, June 13
9am Drama Camp
11:30am SALT Lunch
1pm Dance Camp

Thursday, June 14
8am Dance Camp
9am Drama Camp

9am Drama Camp

Saturday, June 16
8am Men's Bible Study
5:30pm Worship
7pm Movie Night: Fireproof -
     (nursery provided for 5 yrs and under)

Sunday, June 17
9:30am Service of the Word
10:30am Fellowship
11am Adult Forum: King David
3pm NO OPEN GYM (catch us again in the Fall)
6:15pm Genesis for GenXers at the Apels

Pastor Dean Apel; Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church; 402 N. 1st St; Lindsborg, KS 67456; 785-227-3977

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