Saturday, November 26, 2011

Weekend Reminder, Saturday, Nov 26, 2011

"Then they will see 'the Son of Man coming in clouds' with great power and glory. Then he will send out the angels, and gather his elect from the four winds,from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven."
- Jesus, Mark 13:26-27

Welcome the Son of Man and His holy angels with us this Sunday!

No Saturday worship today! Join us on Sunday at 9:30am instead. Saturday worship will be back on December 3, 5:30pm.

Please note that children, K-8, will rehearse for the Christmas program tomorrow after worship. Dec 18 will soon be upon us, so every rehearsal is precious.

During our fellowship time tomorrow morning, we will celebrate the 95th birthday of Alice Carlson. All are invited to mark the occasion with a card shower.

Tomorrow afternoon at 4pm, join us as we decorate the outside of our church to ring in the Advent and Christmas seasons.

First Sunday of Advent, November 27
9:30 am Holy Communion (NFC)
10:30 am Fellowship
10:45 am Children's Program Rehearsal
11:00 am Sunday School for Youth and Adults
4:00 pm Advent Decorating - outside church

Monday, November 28

3:00 pm Bethany Home Bible Study
7:00 pm Finance/Stewardship Committee

Wednesday, November 30

3:30 pm KICK at Bethany
5:45 pm KICK meal at Bethany
6:30 pm Confirmation at Bethany

Saturday, December 3
8:00 am Men's Bible Study
5:30 pm Service of the Word (Praise)

Second Sunday of Advent, December 4
8:15 Senior Choir Rehearsal
9:30 am Holy Communion (NFC)
10:30 am Fellowship
10:45 am Children's Program Rehearsal
11:00 am Sunday School for Youth and Adults
Pastor Dean Apel; Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church; 402 N. 1st St; Lindsborg, KS 67456; 785-227-3977

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