Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lenten Disciplines

Some ideas from last night about "breaking up your fallow ground."

Lenten Disciplines

1. Confession

a. Read Charles Finney, Breaking Up the Fallow Ground, and use it as a guide to self-examination (Read and reflect on this sermon with some caution. It is not the specific confession of our sins that saves us, but instead Jesus who does so. Also Finney uses the word "religion" in a 19th century way.)
b. Practice the "Hermeneutics of Suspicion" on yourself. (see the MELC blog)

c. Use the 10 Commandments as a template for self-examination. See Small Catechism on Confession,

d. Set up a time with pastor Dean for private confession and/or wait for April when he will be in the sanctuary during designated times for confession.

2. The Means of Grace

a. Make it a point to worship in community every Sunday and Wednesday in Lent.

b. Read the NT in 40 days (about 30 minutes/day)

c. Study the verses of Handel's Messiah in context.

d. Read Matthew 26-27 several times.;NIV;ESV;AMP

e. Join a Bible study.

3. Love Others
a. Pray every day during Lent for a non-believing friend or relative.

b. Pray for and learn about an unreached people group every day in Lent.

c. Mary Bridges' article in the Monitor (March 2011) (see another post)

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