Friday, March 5, 2010

"Sir, let it alone for one more year,
until I dig around it and put manure on it.
If it bears fruit next year, well and good;
but if not, you can cut it down."

Luke 13:9

TODAY, March 5
2pm World Day of Prayer at Trinity Methodist

8am Men's Bible Study
9am - 3pm Bethany House of Studies
(the Centered Life at Bethany Church)

Sunday worship assistants
Acolyte - Emma Flynn
Lector - Bob D'Andrea
Liturgist - Chelsea Aeschliman

Greeters - Bob and Ann D'Andrea
Ushers - Dave Janis, Capt; Bill Brock,
Steve Shogren, Bill Lindholm, Phil Hett

Altar Stewards: Rita Hilt and Dorene Anderson
Counters - Marc Anderson and Jay Jensen

SUNDAY, March 7
9:30am Service of the Word (ELW 3) 3rd Lent
with the baptism of Abigail Hett
10:30am Fellowship
10:50am Sunday School for All Ages
3-5pm [Oratorio Rehearsal]
7pm Senior High Devotions and games at Messiah

MONDAY, March 8
10am Staff meeting
6pm FH [2nd grade Brownies]
6pm Executive Committee

9pm FH [BYMT]

TUESDAY, March 9
10:00am Area 3 Pastor's study in Salina
7-9pm [Oratorio Rehearsal]

11:30am S.A.L.T. Lunch
1:30pm Youth Staff Meeting at Messiah
3:30pm Children's Choir
5:45pm Supper at Bethany Church
6:30pm Evening Prayer at Bethany Church

SATURDAY, March 13
8am Men’s Bible Study (
Family Room)
5:30pm Contemporary Praise Service with baptism

Holy Communion (4th Sunday) 4th Lent
10:30am Fellowship
10:50am Sunday School for All Ages
3-5pm [Oratorio Rehearsal]
5pm [Swedish Dancers]

Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
Lindsborg, KS

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