Friday, March 26, 2010

And when all the crowds had gathered
there for this spectacle

saw what had taken place,
they returned home, beating their breasts.

Luke 23:48

Beat your breast with us this weekend
and week at Messiah!

SATURDAY, March 27
8am Men's Bible Study
9am Rehearsal - Reading Luke's Passion

SUNDAY, March 28
9:30 am Service of the Word (ELW 3)
Procession with Psalms, Baptism of Autumn Blomberg, Reading of Luke's Passion
Cherub and Seraph Choirs will both sing

Sunday worship assistants
acolytes: Kelsie Anderson & Allison Forsberg
Lectors: Bob D'Andrea, Harvey Daniels, Tom Haxton,
Russ Hefner, Barb Malm, Ken Peterson, Ron Wilson
Liturgist: Chelsea Aeschliman
Greeters: Russ & Terry Hefner
Ushers: Todd Deterding, capt; Tom DeWitt,
Janet Sjogren, Dwight Swisher, Ron Wilson
Altar Stewards: Rita Hilt and Dorene Anderson
Counters: Russ Hefner and Deb Ruud

10:30 am Fellowship
10:50 am Sunday School for All Ages
11:30 am Swedish Dancer Pancake Feed
3:00 pm Handel's Messiah at Presser Hall
7:00 pm Sr. High Devos & games at Messiah

MONDAY, March 29
10am Staff Meeting
10am FH [Red Cross Blood Drive]
3pm Bethany Home Bible Study - Blue Room
9pm FH [BYMT]

TUESDAY, March 30
10:00 am Area 3 Pastor's study in Salina


3:30 pm Children's Choir

7-9pm [Oratorio Rehearsal]

7pm Maundy Thursday Holy Communion
with foot washing

FRIDAY, April 2
12pm T.A.C.O.L Good Friday Service at
Bethany Lutheran Church
7:30 pm Bach's St.Matthew Passion at Presser

8am Men’s Bible Study (Family Room)

NEXT SUNDAY, April 4 Easter Sunday
6:45 am Sunrise Service at Coronado Heights
8:30 am Brunch fundraiser for youth at Bethany LC
9:30 am Holy Communion (ELW 4)
10:30 am Fellowship and Easter Egg Hunt
3pm Handel's Messiah at Presser Hall

Messsiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
Lindsborg, KS

Friday, March 19, 2010

What is more, I consider everything a loss compared
to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord,
for whose sake I have lost all things
Philippians 3:8

Know Jesus... with us this weekend!

SATURDAY, March 20
8am Men's Bible Study

SUNDAY, March 21
9:30 am Service of the Word (ELW3)
10:30 am Fellowship
10:50 am Sunday School for All Ages
3-5 pm [Oratorio Society Rehearsal]
7 pm No Senior High Devos

MONDAY, March 22
6pm [2nd grade Brownies]
7pm Council Meeting
9pm [BYMT]

TUESDAY, March 23
10:00 am Area 3 Pastor's study in Salina
7-9 pm [Oratorio Society Rehearsal]
7:30 pm Altar Guild cleaning night


10:00 am Martha Circle@ Eleanor Anderson's
3:30 pm
Children's Choir
5:45 pm Supper at Bethany Church
6:30 pm Evening Prayer at Bethany Church
7:30 pm Hannah Circle@ Gay Lindholm's
7:30 pm Mary-Ruth Circle@ D'Andrea's

THURSDAY, March 25

6:45 am Mayor's Prayer
Breakfast at Trinity United Methodist

FRIDAY, March 26

6:00 pm Scrapbooking at Messiah

SATURDAY, March 27

8am Men’s Bible Study (
Family Room)


am Holy Communion-Palm Sunday
10:30 am Fellowship
10:50 am Sunday School for All Ages
11:30 am Swedish Pancake Feed/Swedish Dancers
3:00 pm Handel's Messiah at Bethany College

Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
Lindsborg, KS

Friday, March 12, 2010

"....we had to celebrate and rejoice,
because this brother of yours was dead
and has come to life;
he was lost and has been found."
- Luke 15:32

Get found with us this weekend!

SATURDAY, March 13
8am Men's Bible Study
5:30pm Contemporary Praise Worship
with the baptism of Macie Corcoran

SUNDAY, March 14
9:30 am Holy Communion 4th Lent
(The "4th Sunday Band" will accompany
a Southern Harmony Musical Theme)
10:30 am Fellowship
10:50 am Sunday School for All Ages
7 pm No Senior High Devos

Sunday worship assistants
acolytes: Tucker Nickel and Annie Reinert
Lector: Andrew Loder
Liturgist: Chelsea Aeschliman
Greeters: Marc and Ann Anderson
Ushers: Andy Carlson, capt; Erik Peterson, Bob Nyquist, Bill Roth, De Roth
Communion Assistant: Joy Janis
Altar Stewards: Rita Hilt and Dorene Anderson
Counters: Jay Jensen and Deb Ruud

MONDAY, March 15
10am Staff meeting

TUESDAY, March 16
10am Area 3 Pastor's study in Salina

3:30 pm NO Children's ChoirSpring Break
5:45 pm Supper at Messiah Church
6:30 pm Evening Prayer at Messiah Church

THURSDAY, March 18
7 pm Worship and Music

SATURDAY, March 20
8am Men’s Bible Study (
Family Room)

am Service of the Word (ELW3)
10:30 am Fellowship
10:50 am Sunday School for All Ages
3-5 pm [Oratorio Rehearsal]


402 N. First Street
Lindsborg, KS 67456

Office: 785-227-3977
Pastor Dean: 785-212-0849
PMA Mary: 785-227-5747

Friday, March 5, 2010

"Sir, let it alone for one more year,
until I dig around it and put manure on it.
If it bears fruit next year, well and good;
but if not, you can cut it down."

Luke 13:9

TODAY, March 5
2pm World Day of Prayer at Trinity Methodist

8am Men's Bible Study
9am - 3pm Bethany House of Studies
(the Centered Life at Bethany Church)

Sunday worship assistants
Acolyte - Emma Flynn
Lector - Bob D'Andrea
Liturgist - Chelsea Aeschliman

Greeters - Bob and Ann D'Andrea
Ushers - Dave Janis, Capt; Bill Brock,
Steve Shogren, Bill Lindholm, Phil Hett

Altar Stewards: Rita Hilt and Dorene Anderson
Counters - Marc Anderson and Jay Jensen

SUNDAY, March 7
9:30am Service of the Word (ELW 3) 3rd Lent
with the baptism of Abigail Hett
10:30am Fellowship
10:50am Sunday School for All Ages
3-5pm [Oratorio Rehearsal]
7pm Senior High Devotions and games at Messiah

MONDAY, March 8
10am Staff meeting
6pm FH [2nd grade Brownies]
6pm Executive Committee

9pm FH [BYMT]

TUESDAY, March 9
10:00am Area 3 Pastor's study in Salina
7-9pm [Oratorio Rehearsal]

11:30am S.A.L.T. Lunch
1:30pm Youth Staff Meeting at Messiah
3:30pm Children's Choir
5:45pm Supper at Bethany Church
6:30pm Evening Prayer at Bethany Church

SATURDAY, March 13
8am Men’s Bible Study (
Family Room)
5:30pm Contemporary Praise Service with baptism

Holy Communion (4th Sunday) 4th Lent
10:30am Fellowship
10:50am Sunday School for All Ages
3-5pm [Oratorio Rehearsal]
5pm [Swedish Dancers]

Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
Lindsborg, KS