Friday, December 21, 2012

MELC Weekend Reminder, Dec 21, 2012

"...blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord." - Elizabeth, Luke 21:45

George Bailey's Mary loved him partly because of his faith in impossible odds, that economic good could triumph over economic evil in Bedford Falls. Elizabeth recognizes that her cousin Mary is blessed, not because of her virginity or purity or holiness, but because she believed God's promises were true. Be blessed to believe in God's promises with us, this Sunday!

SATURDAY, December 22
8:00 am Men's Bible Study

SUNDAY, December 23
8:15 am Choir Rehearsal
9:30 am Service of the Word (ELW 3)
10:30 am Fellowship (Christenson's 65th Anniversary Celebration)
7:00 pm Caroling - all are welcome!

MONDAY, December 24
4:00 pm Holy Communion Candlelight Service
11:00 pm Holy Communion Candlelight Service
TUESDAY, December 25
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Office closed

SATURDAY, December 29
8:00 am Men's Bible Study

SUNDAY, December 30
9:30 am Lessons and Carols
10:30 am Fellowship

"...blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord." - Elizabeth, Luke 21:45

George Bailey's Mary loved him partly because of his faith in impossible odds, that economic good could triumph over economic evil in Bedford Falls. Elizabeth recognizes that her cousin Mary is blessed, not because of her virginity or purity or holiness, but because she believed God's promises were true. Be blessed to believe in God's promises with us, this Sunday!

SATURDAY, December 22
8:00 am Men's Bible Study

SUNDAY, December 23
8:15 am Choir Rehearsal
9:30 am Service of the Word (ELW 3)
10:30 am Fellowship (Christenson's 65th Anniversary Celebration)
7:00 pm Caroling - all are welcome!

MONDAY, December 24
4:00 pm Holy Communion Candlelight Service
11:00 pm Holy Communion Candlelight Service
TUESDAY, December 25
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Office closed

SATURDAY, December 29
8:00 am Men's Bible Study

SUNDAY, December 30
9:30 am Lessons and Carols
10:30 am Fellowship

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Stand up and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near. - Luke 21:28

Meet Peter Bailey (George's father) and lift up your heads as we look toward the advent of Jesus with us tomorrow morning!

Note all the special events tomorrow and throughout the week!

SUNDAY, December 2
8:15 am Choir Rehearsal
9:00 am SWAGG Rehearsal
9:30 am Service of the Word (WOV4)
10:30 am Fellowship
11:00 am Sunday School for adults; Christmas Program Rehearse for youth and children
5:30-6:30 pm Soup Supper (Jr Hi Fundraiser)
7:00 pm Film Night: "It's A Wonderful Life"

TUESDAY, December 4
7:00 pm Social Ministries

WEDNESDAY, December 5
3:00 pm KICK at Bethany
5:45 pm KICK meal
6:30 pm Confirmation
7:00 pm Fellowship meeting

FRIDAY, December 7
8:00 am [Pre-school screening]

SATURDAY, December 8
8:00 am Men's Bible Study

SUNDAY, December 9
8:15 am Choir Rehearsal
9:00 am SWAGG Rehearsal
9:30 am Holy Communion (WOV 4)
10:30 am Fellowship
11:00 am Sunday School for adults; Christmas Program Rehearse for youth and children
6:15 pm Exodus for Xers at 317 Cedar Circle
6:30 pm Women's Cookie Exchange at the Apels

Monday, November 26, 2012

I hereby command you:
Be strong and courageous.
Do not be frightened or dismayed;
for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

Saturday, November 24, 2012

MELC Weekend Reminderr, Nov 24, 2012

To Him was given dominion and glory and kingship, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him. - Daniel 7:14

Worship and serve the King... with us this Sunday!

Please note that SWAGG (children K-6) will rehearse at 9am tomorrow and participate in worship as well.

, November 25
8:15 am Choir Rehearsal
9:00 am SWAGG Rehearsal
9:30 am Holy Communion (WOV4)
10:30 am Fellowship
11:00 am Sunday school for all ages

, November 28
10:00 am Martha Circle at church
3:00 pm KICK at Bethany
5:45 pm KICK meal
6:30 pm Confirmation
7:00 pm Hannah Circle at Louise Benson's
7:00 pm Mary-Ruth Circle at Sjogren's

, November 1
8:00 am Men's Bible Study

December 2
8:15 am Choir Rehearsal
9:00 am SWAGG Rehearsal
9:30 am Service of the Word (WOV4)
10:30 am Fellowship
11:00 am Sunday school for all ages
4:30 pm 3 John Bible Study
5:30-6:30pm Soup Supper (Jr Hi Fundraiser)
7:00 pm Film Night: "It's A Wonderful Life"

Pastor Dean Apel; Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church; 402 N. 1st St; Lindsborg, KS 67456; 785-227-3977

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"To the one seated on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might for ever and ever!" - Revelation 5:13

Dear Fellow Workers in the Gospel Ministry of MELC,
Do you know that if you get your car fixed in Jerusalem they are likely to say that the car is now "righteous" (tsedeq)? Like stretching in the morning or a bird preening its wings or realigning our tires, much of our lives are about getting tuned up, re-aligned to the God who loves us and to His way. Being righteous means being realigned in our relationships with God primarily and from that right relationship with other people and the created world. In the book of Revelation we are given a glimpse of eternity. Especially chapters 4-5 lift back the veil on reality. And there we find someone in charge, the God of all time, the Ancient of Days, and with Him on the throne a bloody Lamb - strange imagery, but the message is clear: Jesus and He crucified is the one who reigns over space and time. The whole creation sings to His praise and glory. We tend to like to sing other songs, but this is the true song of the universe, the lost chord for which we seek. Our hearts our restless until we hear that song and our lives are tuned to its good vibrations. As leaders of this gospel ministry, we are called to sing this one song, to hold rehearsals for its singing, to offer others the rest and resolution of being righteous, fixed-up by God to sing the Lamb's praises forever. Thank you for singing with me and engaging the difficult task of directing the song in these challenging times. 

- pastor Dean
Hope you'll have a great Thanksgiving!