Friday, October 26, 2012

"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." - John 8:36

Be set free by the Son... with us this Sunday!

Pastor Herb Hafermann, who has spent 50 years as a missionary in Tanzania, will share the Word with us on Sunday and then share about the work of the church and mission among the Tanzania Maasai during Sunday School. Don't miss it!

We'll take an offering of quarters for Tomah Shinga during worship.
FRIDAY, October 26
8pm Junior High Lock-in Begins at Bethany LC

SATURDAY, October 27
8am Junior High Lock-in Ends
8am Men's Bible Study: Philippians
6:30pm Senior High at Haunted Trail

SUNDAY, Reformation Sunday, October 28
8:15 am Choir Rehearsal
9:00 am SWAGG Rehearsal
9:30 am Holy Communion (WOV 4)
10:30 am Fellowship
11 am Church and Mission in Tanzania, Pastor Herb Hafermann
6:15 pm Exodus for Xers

No Wednesday activities due to Halloween

Saturday, November 3
8:00 am Men's Bible Study

SUNDAY, All Saints' Sunday, November 4
8:15 am Choir Rehearsal
9:30 am Service of the Word (WOV 4)
10:30 am Fellowship
11:00 am Sunday School for All Ages
4:30 pm Bible Study: 1 John
6:15 pm Exodus for Xers

Friday, October 19, 2012
And the Lord "has inspired [Bezalel] to teach, both him and Oholiab... He has filled them with skill to do every kind of work done by an artisan or by a designer or by an embroiderer in blue, purple, and crimson yarns, and in fine linen, or by a weaver...." (Exodus 35:34-35)

What has God inspired you to do? What skills do you have which can be used for God's purposes?

Discover your spiritual gifts with us .... this Sunday!

Take a spiritual gifts inventory here:

Parents of SWAGG children, K-6: we're having a basketball game and pizza party on Sunday afternoon! Please let Anne know how many members of your family will attend.

Women of the ELCA: Please note the change in venues for circle meetings this Wednesday.
TONIGHT, October 19
7:00 pm Scrapbooking

SATURDAY, October 20
8:00 am Men's Bible Study

MONDAY, October 22
7:00 pm Council

WEDNESDAY, October 24
10:00 am Martha Circle at Church
3:30 pm KICK at Bethany LC
5:45 pm KICK Meal at Bethany LC
7:00 pm Hannah Circle at Lois Carlson's
7:00 pm Mary-Ruth Circle at Ann D'Andrea's

FRIDAY, October 26
8:00 pm Junior High Lock-in Begins

SATURDAY, October 27
8:00 am Junior High Lock-in Ends
8:00 am Men's Bible Study
6:30 pm Senior High Youth Group Haunted Trail

NEXT SUNDAY, October 28
8:15 am Choir Rehearsal
9:00 am SWAG Rehearsal
9:30 am Holy Communion (WOV 4)
10:30 am Fellowship and Presentation on Tanzania by Pastor Herb Hafferman
2:00 pm Open Gym
6:00 pm Thrivent Annual Meeting and Dinner
6:00 pm Senior High Youth Group at Methodist Church
6:15 pm Exodus for Xers

Pastor Dean Apel; Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church; 402 N. 1st St; Lindsborg, KS 67456; 785-227-3977

Thursday, October 11, 2012

"The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my parents' God, and I will exalt him."-Exodus 15:2
Memory Verse October 2012

Women of the ELCA Thankoffering Service on Sunday; Linda Lewis will preach; a second offering will be taken for the ministries of WELCA and the ELCA Malaria Campaign. The adult forum will consider the work of Women of the ELCA. Don't miss it!

TONIGHT, Thursday, Oct 11
7:00pm Women at White Peacock Cafe

Friday, October 12
Sr Hi 5th Qtr (call Joyce or Melissa for place)

Saturday, October 13
8am Men's Bible Study

Sunday, October 14
8:15 am Choir Rehearsal
9:00 am SWAG
9:30 am Women's Thankoffering Worship
10:30 am Fellowship
11:00 am Sunday School for All Ages
2:00 pm Open Gym
3:30 pm [Swedish Dancer Board Meeting]
5:00 pm [Swedish Dancer Family Meeting]

Monday, October 15
Council meeting changed to the 22nd

Wednesday, October 17
3:30 pm KICK at Bethany Church
5:45 pm KICK Meal
6:30 pm Confirmation

Thursday, October 18
6:00 pm Global Mission Committee

Friday, October 19
8:00 am [Lawrence Virtual School luncheon]
7:00 pm Scrapbook/crafts/sewing night

Saturday, October 20
8:00 am Men's Bible Study

Next Sunday, October 21
8:15 am Choir rehearsal
9:30 am Holy Communion
10:30 am Fellowship
11:00 am Sunday School for All Ages
2:00 pm Open Gym
4:00 pm SWAG Basketball and Pizza
4:30 pm 1 John Bible Study
6:00 pm Senior High Youth Group

Pastor Dean Apel; Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church; 402 N. 1st St; Lindsborg, KS 67456; 785-227-3977

Friday, October 5, 2012

Hebrews 10:25 (45 kb)
Encourage and be encouraged.... with us, this Sunday morning.

On Sunday, we continue our Stewardship emphasis, Abundant Joy, Overflowing Generosity: Giving God My Worship.

MELC Members - please note that we will have a (hopefully) brief congregational service immediately after the service to discuss
a. the following constitutional amendment.
"C12.05.c. The Church Council may enter into contracts of up to $1000  $5000 for items not included in the budget."
and b. to consider a supplemental budget of $250/month as compensation for treasurer's duties.

Friday, October 5
Sr Hi 5th Qtr at 725 Emerald Dr (after the game)

Saturday, October 6
8am Men's Bible Study: Philippians
7pm Women of the ELCA Movie at Lisa Youngquist's

Sunday, October 7
8:15 am Choir Rehearsal
9:30 am Holy Communion (WOV 4)
10:30 am Special Congregational Mtg and Fellowship
11:00 am Sunday School for All Ages
2:00 pm Open Gym
4:00 pm Youth meet at Bethany Parking Lot 
Monday, October 8
6:30 pm Executive Board

Wednesday, October 10
11:30 am S.A.L.T. Lunch
3:30 pm KICK at Bethany LC
5:45 pm KICK Meal
6:30 pm Confirmation

Thursday, October 11
7:00 pm Café at White Peacock

Friday, October 12
9:30 pm Senior High 5th Quarter 
Saturday, October 13
8:00 am Men's Bible Study
11:00 am [Bethany College Luncheon]

NEXT SUNDAY, October 14
8:15 am Choir Rehearsal
9:00 am SWAG Rehearsal
9:30 am Service of the Word (WOV 4)
10:30 am Fellowship
11:00 am Sunday School for All Ages
2:00 pm Open Gym
3:30 pm [Swedish Dancer Board Meeting]
5:00 pm [Swedish Dancer Family Meeting]
6:00 pm Senior High Youth Group at Bethany

Pastor Dean Apel; Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church; 402 N. 1st St; Lindsborg, KS 67456; 785-227-3977